The difference between men and women was easily noticed with different body shapes and heights. men always bieng taller than woman and woman always wearing clothes.
Men had much more power in this time women where supposed to stay at home and men where allowed to do almost everything even have relationships with other men.
Function of temples was not the same than in other societies, it was mostly all based in gods rather than other important people.
Greeks believed very much in the perfection of the body. they focused very much in the muscles and having a strong body, they thought this was a way to represent that they where more important than others.
sculptures where very important and iconic in this civilisation. many made from marble and measured from 1 to 3 meters.
Torso of Apollo
Greeks also expressed their art in pottery, the things they painted on pots of clay telled stories about different things and represented things that happened.
they had 2 kinds of pottery, black form and red form, some with more details than others.
Etruscan vases".
Greek Architecture was also very symbolic. the way they build things was impressive for the time. columns was what represented them the most. havinf 3 different styles, doric, jonic and corintio.
where are the descriptions on the photographs.